13 November 2007
About this BLOG

BLOGs I Read
The Big Dogs
- Tales from the Red Shed
- ridiculous_fish
- Daring Fireball
- Sterling Ambivalence
- Bob Sutor's Open Blog
- ramblings of the village idiot
- I, Cringely (ok, it's a column, not a blog.)
Folks I've actually met
- The Wayword Word Press
- EstesFam (mostly Phil.)
Commics I Read
Many of these have unlimited archives all the way back to #1, and you can see the qualtiy improve over time, and watch the characters develop, it makes for a very good way to kill a few hours.
- megatokyo
- xkcd, proof that artistic skill is NOT a hard requirement for an awesome comic
- Bunny
- User Friendly
- Sinfest
- Errant Story, see also Exploitation Now
- FoxTrot
- The Devils Panties, see also Geebas on Parade
- Applegeeks, see also AGLite
- Penny Arcade
Other Links
Previous Posts
- Not #NotMyPresident
- worst receptionist ever
- Keeping it Classy Rochester!
- Open Source predictions for 2011
- Fall Cleaning
- Notes from my talk at the Twin Cities SMUG on Pro ...
- Why men should support the fight against breast ca...
- time to move along for my home raid.
- agile company FTW!
- Your interest in the chase is admirable...
- October 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- March 2009
- May 2009
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- July 2009
- August 2009
- November 2009
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- September 2010
- December 2010
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- January 2017
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